Work With Us
Scheduled Annual, Semi-Annual and Monthly Inspections Available
Inspections – Sales – Servicing – Installations – Upgrades
Fire Extinguisher Service
- Yearly Inspection Service
- Complete Installations
- Required Servicing
Fire Extinguisher Training
- Fire Equipment Education
- Basic Fire Extinguisher Use
- Hands on Fire Extinguisher Training
Fire Alarm Systems
- Yearly Inspections and Service
- Service and Maintenance
Fire Suppression Systems
- Semi-Annual Inspections
- New Installations
- System Maintenance
Exit/ Emergency Light Batteries
- Sales and Installation
- Most Sizes Stocked
- Fire Alarm Batteries
Fire Hydrant and Hoses
- Yearly Flow Testing
- Fire Hose Testing
- Service/ Maintenance
Exit/ Emergency Lights
- Yearly Inspections/ Testing
- Sales and Maintenance
- Retrofits and Upgrades
Fire Sprinkler System
- Yearly Inspection Service
- Routine Maintenance
- Standpipe Flow Testing
Fire Suppression Systems
Badger Fire Protection’s Wet Chemical Fire Suppression System, uses KARBALOY, the superior wet chemical agent first developed over 40 years ago. Range Guard was the first, and still remains the best.
Fire Extinguisher Service
We provide Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspections. Annual inspections must be carried out by a NFPA 10 certified technician, and must be inspected annually as per Ont Fire Code.
Emergency Light Safety
Exit and Emergency Light Service
A power failure and subsequent loss of light at your place of business can be hazardous to your employees and your customers. Proper working emergency lighting and signage are essential in enabling safe and timely evacuation of your premises.
Sprinkler Systems
A Fire Safety Plan (FSP) is a complete and comprehensive OPERATIONS MANUAL for the building and the fire safety equipment, along with floor plans that are posted in the building showing the locations of fire equipment, stored hazardous materials, and the locations of all the EXITS in cases of emergency.